Saturday, 24 May 2008

Week 7


What happened ?

We spoke about the criteria we had set in the previous lesson for assignment 2.


As for the lecture for setting the criteria for assignment again a successful group discussion led to new criteria for assignment 2. Everyone seemed to be satisfied with their say for the new criteria.


For me the lecture was a success.


Same as for the first lecture on setting our own criteria.


Vasco tried to convince the rest of the group to use blender for our second assignment to create a 3D artifact.

I definitely agreed to his standpoints, but unfortunately a majority of the group felt the lack of enthusiasm to learn this new and simple and best of all FREE 3D program.

Personally I think Blender 3D has many advantages and only a small bit of the program has to be learned to create a 3D artifact successfully unlike programs as Maya where a extensive knowledge of the programs and commands is required to create such an artifact.

Finally in the end though everyone more or less agreed to have a look at blender at home.

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