Monday 10 March 2008

Experimental 3D - Computer viruses

I stumbled on this great example of experimental 3D. An artist named Alex Dragulescu has created 3D objects influenced by computer viruses.

Malwarez is a series of visualization of worms, viruses, trojans and spyware code. For each piece of disassembled code, API calls, memory addresses and subroutines are tracked and analyzed. Their frequency, density and grouping are mapped to the inputs of an algorithm that grows a virtual 3D entity. Therefore the patterns and rhythms found in the data drive the configuration of the artificial organism.

Virus name: PWSLineage

This trojan steals the account information for the game called "Lineage II" from the victim's machine. There are several variants of the trojan. The description is a general guide. Newer variants require the latest DAT files for detection and cleaning.

Virus name: IRCBot

W32/IrcBot is an IRC controlled backdoor, which provides an attacker with unauthorized remote access to the compromised computer. An attacker can gain control over the compromised computer and use it to send spim or install further malware.

Virus name: MyDoom

This identification detects malware intended to exploit the backdoor opened on machines infected with either W32/Mydoom.a@MM or W32/Mydoom.b@MM .

Source and more pictures at

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