I was unable to attend the last workshops and lectures due to my wife's pregnancy.
I was getting more difficult for her to cope on her own. A week later in Week 11 she gave birth to our daughter on the 10th of May.
Jasmine Melis
Unfortunately she needed a lot of stitching after giving birth to our daughter. I am now staying home to help her get around and with the baby and other household matters.
I have e-mailed Ian on the 7th of May explaining my situation and requested an extension.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Week 9
Again no lecture this week.
What happened ?
When Ian arrived for the workshop we discussed the last and final assignment. We asked Ian some questions regarding this assignment and if he could give some examples or information on what had been done previously by other students.
It was nice to work for ourselves this once. I felt that I would be able to finish this final assignment more efficiently.
Although I was slightly disappointed the assignment was to create a 3D artifact again. I felt that with more stated guidelines on what the 3rd project had to suffice to I would have been able to make a better start.
Instead I did not know where to begin or what to create.. at all.
It feels nice that we can start the final assignment on our own and that we are not dependant on a group or other group members.
Although I had a slow start on what to do for this project I am sure it will turn out fine.
What happened ?
When Ian arrived for the workshop we discussed the last and final assignment. We asked Ian some questions regarding this assignment and if he could give some examples or information on what had been done previously by other students.
It was nice to work for ourselves this once. I felt that I would be able to finish this final assignment more efficiently.
Although I was slightly disappointed the assignment was to create a 3D artifact again. I felt that with more stated guidelines on what the 3rd project had to suffice to I would have been able to make a better start.
Instead I did not know where to begin or what to create.. at all.
It feels nice that we can start the final assignment on our own and that we are not dependant on a group or other group members.
Although I had a slow start on what to do for this project I am sure it will turn out fine.
Week 8
What happened ?
We discussed what we had to do for assignment 2 where we had to create a 3D artifact influence by a word.
It seemed that a few people had a look at Blender 3D, but where unsuccessful in fully comprehending on how to use the program.
Vasco took the time and patience to explain how to work with blender to the rest of the group. I worked for myself to develop my skills with the program.
At the end of the lecture we tried to get a start on the 3D artefact where each group member had to build upon the other group members creation.
Although slowly progressing as a group in creating 3D objects in overall everyone learned enough to be able to experiment on their own the rest of the work group or alone at home.
Progress began slowly, but we did achieve in building a 3D artifact just a few members still need to do their contribution and obviously it still has to be animated.
For me its always a fun experience to gain knowledge of how to use a program, especially a 3D program this always comes in handy in whatever project you are doing.
Being able to understand how a (several) 3D program(s) works enables you to work, learn and develop skills more easily in other 3D programs.
What happened ?
We discussed what we had to do for assignment 2 where we had to create a 3D artifact influence by a word.
It seemed that a few people had a look at Blender 3D, but where unsuccessful in fully comprehending on how to use the program.
Vasco took the time and patience to explain how to work with blender to the rest of the group. I worked for myself to develop my skills with the program.
At the end of the lecture we tried to get a start on the 3D artefact where each group member had to build upon the other group members creation.
Although slowly progressing as a group in creating 3D objects in overall everyone learned enough to be able to experiment on their own the rest of the work group or alone at home.
Progress began slowly, but we did achieve in building a 3D artifact just a few members still need to do their contribution and obviously it still has to be animated.
For me its always a fun experience to gain knowledge of how to use a program, especially a 3D program this always comes in handy in whatever project you are doing.
Being able to understand how a (several) 3D program(s) works enables you to work, learn and develop skills more easily in other 3D programs.
Week 7
What happened ?
We spoke about the criteria we had set in the previous lesson for assignment 2.
As for the lecture for setting the criteria for assignment again a successful group discussion led to new criteria for assignment 2. Everyone seemed to be satisfied with their say for the new criteria.
For me the lecture was a success.
Same as for the first lecture on setting our own criteria.
Vasco tried to convince the rest of the group to use blender for our second assignment to create a 3D artifact.
I definitely agreed to his standpoints, but unfortunately a majority of the group felt the lack of enthusiasm to learn this new and simple and best of all FREE 3D program.
Personally I think Blender 3D has many advantages and only a small bit of the program has to be learned to create a 3D artifact successfully unlike programs as Maya where a extensive knowledge of the programs and commands is required to create such an artifact.
Finally in the end though everyone more or less agreed to have a look at blender at home.
What happened ?
We spoke about the criteria we had set in the previous lesson for assignment 2.
As for the lecture for setting the criteria for assignment again a successful group discussion led to new criteria for assignment 2. Everyone seemed to be satisfied with their say for the new criteria.
For me the lecture was a success.
Same as for the first lecture on setting our own criteria.
Vasco tried to convince the rest of the group to use blender for our second assignment to create a 3D artifact.
I definitely agreed to his standpoints, but unfortunately a majority of the group felt the lack of enthusiasm to learn this new and simple and best of all FREE 3D program.
Personally I think Blender 3D has many advantages and only a small bit of the program has to be learned to create a 3D artifact successfully unlike programs as Maya where a extensive knowledge of the programs and commands is required to create such an artifact.
Finally in the end though everyone more or less agreed to have a look at blender at home.
Week 6
No lecture today. Evulation will be done on the workshop,
What happened ?
Me, Vasco and William came in more early at 11am to get a head start on our essay without the hassle of being in a too large group.
Later on we heard that Ian could not make it today and we had to set the criteria for ourselves for assignment 2 just as we had done for assignment 1.
Once the rest of the group arrived we tried to be to the point as possible keeping everyone concentrated and setting goals on how to continue the essay.
In the end this day was definitely a good day we had completed the essay for about 90% and there were just some minor things left to do.
It seemed that the group 'felt' relieved that we had almost completed the essay. Everyone was getting a little bit frustrated in what to write and put in the essay and as you an imagine with such a large group the individual point of views varied quite a lot.
We definitely had put our heads together today and each group member contributed sufficient in their own way.
The way of dividing work in to smaller proportions for each group member to focus on turned out to be a very effective way to put together the final parts of the essay.
No lecture today. Evulation will be done on the workshop,
What happened ?
Me, Vasco and William came in more early at 11am to get a head start on our essay without the hassle of being in a too large group.
Later on we heard that Ian could not make it today and we had to set the criteria for ourselves for assignment 2 just as we had done for assignment 1.
Once the rest of the group arrived we tried to be to the point as possible keeping everyone concentrated and setting goals on how to continue the essay.
In the end this day was definitely a good day we had completed the essay for about 90% and there were just some minor things left to do.
It seemed that the group 'felt' relieved that we had almost completed the essay. Everyone was getting a little bit frustrated in what to write and put in the essay and as you an imagine with such a large group the individual point of views varied quite a lot.
We definitely had put our heads together today and each group member contributed sufficient in their own way.
The way of dividing work in to smaller proportions for each group member to focus on turned out to be a very effective way to put together the final parts of the essay.
Week 5
What happened ?
Today we had to debate as a class on what criteria we would choose ourselves to evaluate our group assignment.
We all shared our thoughts and views on this. Unfortunately some people did not grasp the idea of grabbing this chance to make it slightly easier for ourselves and fairly 'abuse' this situation.
I liked the idea of setting criteria for our own work it turned out to work pretty well. Mainly because it also makes you already think, before you even started, which aspects of the projects you have to consider / include in your work.
More or less everyone came up with similar criteria, but here and there were some useful criteria mentioned.
At first I though the idea of setting our own criteria was a bit boring, but in hindsight it was a pretty good idea.
During the workshop we continued on working on our essay and tried to divide tasks to do and to work on at home for people as well.
The workshop progressed slowly and unfortunately we did not do much work. I really believe we should step it up a bit, but it proves quite difficult to work in such a large group of six people.
What happened ?
Today we had to debate as a class on what criteria we would choose ourselves to evaluate our group assignment.
We all shared our thoughts and views on this. Unfortunately some people did not grasp the idea of grabbing this chance to make it slightly easier for ourselves and fairly 'abuse' this situation.
I liked the idea of setting criteria for our own work it turned out to work pretty well. Mainly because it also makes you already think, before you even started, which aspects of the projects you have to consider / include in your work.
More or less everyone came up with similar criteria, but here and there were some useful criteria mentioned.
At first I though the idea of setting our own criteria was a bit boring, but in hindsight it was a pretty good idea.
During the workshop we continued on working on our essay and tried to divide tasks to do and to work on at home for people as well.
The workshop progressed slowly and unfortunately we did not do much work. I really believe we should step it up a bit, but it proves quite difficult to work in such a large group of six people.
Week 4 - Duchamp Exhibition
What happened ?
This week our group went to meet up at the Tate Modern to visit Duchamps Exhibition.
We walked around for about an hour and took some notes. Tried to make a picture but it wasn't allowed apparently.
Maybe two pieces came to me quite intriguing but the rest did not really appeal to me, although I would have to keep in mind that the time it was made in some of the pieces might have been quite provocative for its time, for example the picture of the Mona Lisa painting with a moustache.
One thing I looked at quite long was a funny little movie of a mourning crowd running after the casket of one of their family members who supposedly died. This pursuit took quite long and had some humorous bits in it. The ending was somewhat odd where the casket finally crashed and opens and the person inside is suddenly back to live and touches the remaining people who where chasing the casket, upon his touch they disappear.
I have never been a great fan of exhibitions really my attention span for these kind of things is usually quite short. Maybe because my parents used to drag me from gallery to gallery when we were in holiday in France or Italy that got me really developing a hate for art galleries.
Frustrating as it is with this pre-history that our group was moved from Interactive Media as a major to Digital Arts as a major.
I do not feel I have gained anything from this exhibition in knowledge or my thoughts towards art.
Perhaps knowing now that Duchamp even turned a urinal into a piece of artwork convinced me that art can be about absolute nonsense.
Favorite Art pieces
The only favorite I could choose was the wanted posted that I posted a picture of earlier.
The rest did not appeal to me at all also I will not make a effort in pretending that I actually liked the rest.
This week our group went to meet up at the Tate Modern to visit Duchamps Exhibition.
We walked around for about an hour and took some notes. Tried to make a picture but it wasn't allowed apparently.
Maybe two pieces came to me quite intriguing but the rest did not really appeal to me, although I would have to keep in mind that the time it was made in some of the pieces might have been quite provocative for its time, for example the picture of the Mona Lisa painting with a moustache.
One thing I looked at quite long was a funny little movie of a mourning crowd running after the casket of one of their family members who supposedly died. This pursuit took quite long and had some humorous bits in it. The ending was somewhat odd where the casket finally crashed and opens and the person inside is suddenly back to live and touches the remaining people who where chasing the casket, upon his touch they disappear.
I have never been a great fan of exhibitions really my attention span for these kind of things is usually quite short. Maybe because my parents used to drag me from gallery to gallery when we were in holiday in France or Italy that got me really developing a hate for art galleries.
Frustrating as it is with this pre-history that our group was moved from Interactive Media as a major to Digital Arts as a major.
I do not feel I have gained anything from this exhibition in knowledge or my thoughts towards art.
Perhaps knowing now that Duchamp even turned a urinal into a piece of artwork convinced me that art can be about absolute nonsense.
Favorite Art pieces
The only favorite I could choose was the wanted posted that I posted a picture of earlier.
The rest did not appeal to me at all also I will not make a effort in pretending that I actually liked the rest.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Experimental 3D - Computer viruses
I stumbled on this great example of experimental 3D. An artist named Alex Dragulescu has created 3D objects influenced by computer viruses.
Malwarez is a series of visualization of worms, viruses, trojans and spyware code. For each piece of disassembled code, API calls, memory addresses and subroutines are tracked and analyzed. Their frequency, density and grouping are mapped to the inputs of an algorithm that grows a virtual 3D entity. Therefore the patterns and rhythms found in the data drive the configuration of the artificial organism.

Virus name: PWSLineage
This trojan steals the account information for the game called "Lineage II" from the victim's machine. There are several variants of the trojan. The description is a general guide. Newer variants require the latest DAT files for detection and cleaning.

Virus name: IRCBot
W32/IrcBot is an IRC controlled backdoor, which provides an attacker with unauthorized remote access to the compromised computer. An attacker can gain control over the compromised computer and use it to send spim or install further malware.

Virus name: MyDoom
This identification detects malware intended to exploit the backdoor opened on machines infected with either W32/Mydoom.a@MM or W32/Mydoom.b@MM .
Source and more pictures at sq.ro
Malwarez is a series of visualization of worms, viruses, trojans and spyware code. For each piece of disassembled code, API calls, memory addresses and subroutines are tracked and analyzed. Their frequency, density and grouping are mapped to the inputs of an algorithm that grows a virtual 3D entity. Therefore the patterns and rhythms found in the data drive the configuration of the artificial organism.
Virus name: PWSLineage
This trojan steals the account information for the game called "Lineage II" from the victim's machine. There are several variants of the trojan. The description is a general guide. Newer variants require the latest DAT files for detection and cleaning.
Virus name: IRCBot
W32/IrcBot is an IRC controlled backdoor, which provides an attacker with unauthorized remote access to the compromised computer. An attacker can gain control over the compromised computer and use it to send spim or install further malware.
Virus name: MyDoom
This identification detects malware intended to exploit the backdoor opened on machines infected with either W32/Mydoom.a@MM or W32/Mydoom.b@MM .
Source and more pictures at sq.ro
3D Programs
We have been considering a few programs for our second assignment to create the 3D artifact.
The following programs could be used to create this,
- Maya;
- Sketchup;
- Blender.
Maya is one of the best 3D programs out there the downside to it is that it is not free and some people in our group do not have any experience with this program so it could take quite long for them to learn this. Maya is not one of the easiest programs to learn.
Sketchup has a great advantage cause it is a free program that has been taken over by Google a few months ago. It is very easy to use and to learn for everyone. You do not need any experience to start with this program. The downfall is that the program does not have any advanced 3D functionalities.
Blender seems to be the one to go for. Also this program is free to use and download. It is more difficult then Sketchup but much easier to learn then Maya and it does allow for more advanced 3D options.
The following programs could be used to create this,
- Maya;
- Sketchup;
- Blender.
Maya is one of the best 3D programs out there the downside to it is that it is not free and some people in our group do not have any experience with this program so it could take quite long for them to learn this. Maya is not one of the easiest programs to learn.
Sketchup has a great advantage cause it is a free program that has been taken over by Google a few months ago. It is very easy to use and to learn for everyone. You do not need any experience to start with this program. The downfall is that the program does not have any advanced 3D functionalities.
Blender seems to be the one to go for. Also this program is free to use and download. It is more difficult then Sketchup but much easier to learn then Maya and it does allow for more advanced 3D options.
Blind artists
Due to our essay I was searching for some contemporary blind artists. I found two interesting websites of organisations who give out awards to blind artists each year,
The most recent one I could find was not so long ago in the news it is a blind carver,
The most recent one I could find was not so long ago in the news it is a blind carver,
The essay is coming along quite well we are on schedule as a group and a few things have to be added and it will be finished.
We basically have two weeks left which is exactly enough to round it off.
We have done a lot of research and pulled together as a group to create this essay. In overall the first assignment was a success.
We have already done some research for the second assignment on the available 3D programs we can use for the second assignment.
We still have to choose a word that we want to use as an influence for our 3D artifact.
We basically have two weeks left which is exactly enough to round it off.
We have done a lot of research and pulled together as a group to create this essay. In overall the first assignment was a success.
We have already done some research for the second assignment on the available 3D programs we can use for the second assignment.
We still have to choose a word that we want to use as an influence for our 3D artifact.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
On Tuesday 2/3/08 we have been to the Duchamp exhibition in London at the Tate Modern.
Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures while we were there.
There was a lot of work to see. I did not like a lot but there were definitely some interesting art objects. The exhibition ranged from objects to videos as well. The video was somewhat strange but did keep my attention for quite a long time. In the video there was a sarcophagus of a man carried forward by a camel but it got loose from the camel and started going downhill and the whole funeral crowd started running behind it. The "chase" was quite long and had some funny moments as well.
Later I will post my findings on which objects I liked and which ones I did not like.
Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures while we were there.
There was a lot of work to see. I did not like a lot but there were definitely some interesting art objects. The exhibition ranged from objects to videos as well. The video was somewhat strange but did keep my attention for quite a long time. In the video there was a sarcophagus of a man carried forward by a camel but it got loose from the camel and started going downhill and the whole funeral crowd started running behind it. The "chase" was quite long and had some funny moments as well.
Later I will post my findings on which objects I liked and which ones I did not like.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Week 3 - Lecture and Workshop
What happened ?
* Creativity
* Gallery Visit
* Assignment 2: 3D Artefact
* Evolution combined with artwork
Last part of the lecture was quite interesting to see evolution combined with artwork. For example todraw faces more iconic and ending up with text.
Made me think more about what kind of `evolving` artefact we can create for assignment 2.
I do feel that I can appreciate some aspects of `Art` a little bit more not everything seems to be mind numbing.
What happened ?
* Creativity
* Gallery Visit
* Assignment 2: 3D Artefact
* Evolution combined with artwork
Last part of the lecture was quite interesting to see evolution combined with artwork. For example todraw faces more iconic and ending up with text.
Made me think more about what kind of `evolving` artefact we can create for assignment 2.
I do feel that I can appreciate some aspects of `Art` a little bit more not everything seems to be mind numbing.
- We`re experimenting a little bit with a free 3D moddeling program called Blender. We want to use this program to create are 3D artefact it is quite easy to learn and best of all its free as well.
- Furthermore we have discussed that we will go to Tate Modern next week.
- Research has been done and the introduction of the essay has been written.
- New tasks have been assigned for the next week.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Week 2 - Lecture and Workshop
What happened ?
The lecture was about metacognition.
Thoughts, feelings
God this module is beginning to feel like self analysis / group therapy. I just want to get on with the core purpose of the assignment and not do all the unnecessary philosophy / artsy stuff around it.
Maybe I should make it clear in this blog that I am an Design for Interactive Media student and not an Digital Arts student for whoever is going to read this.. ask Ian.
Lecture was way too long.
We finally had some time to put in some effective time management. We discussed what we had researched during the last week and what still needed to be done. We re-evaluated the quote from Picasso and started structuring our essay and also searched for a contemporary reference(s) that we could use as well in the essay.
The workshop was quite productive and everybody went home with tasks to do for themselves for the oncoming week.
What happened ?
The lecture was about metacognition.
Thoughts, feelings
God this module is beginning to feel like self analysis / group therapy. I just want to get on with the core purpose of the assignment and not do all the unnecessary philosophy / artsy stuff around it.
Maybe I should make it clear in this blog that I am an Design for Interactive Media student and not an Digital Arts student for whoever is going to read this.. ask Ian.
Lecture was way too long.
We finally had some time to put in some effective time management. We discussed what we had researched during the last week and what still needed to be done. We re-evaluated the quote from Picasso and started structuring our essay and also searched for a contemporary reference(s) that we could use as well in the essay.
The workshop was quite productive and everybody went home with tasks to do for themselves for the oncoming week.
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Week 1 - Lecture and Workshop
What happened ?
During the lecture we had to model four elements and combine them with one out of two emotions. After we finished the four elements we had to choose one of the elements we made and destroy the rest.
The final element we had chosen was water. I had modelled a "bucket" that symbolized water and within the bucket i had put some water from my water bottle that I had for lunch. The idea behind this was that the blue modelling clay "bucket" symbolized water but it also WAS water.
Then we had to bring our models to the front and eventually we had to tell something about what we had made and I told everyone that the bucket not only symbolizes water but it also is water and water is one of the most vital things us humans needs and it can bring joy and happiness as well (swimming, surfing etc) In other words a very versatile liquid substance.
There were some other models made who looked obviously far better then our "bucket", but once we had to vote it seemed a lot of the other models got a lot of votes, ours got voted for as last and we actually won !! That was hilarious! Obviously I had modelled this bucket with water more for comical effect but the idea behind it was not too bad either.
Thoughts, attitudes
One of the girls in another group shouted that it was not fair that we had won because theirs was far better modelled. I was surprised she showed such a heavy reaction to a simple task like this she seemed annoyed that her model got destroyed. Even so annoyed that after the lecture she tipped our "bucket" over so that the water spilled over the table.
I mean common!
It seemed that this task was aimed at our creativity but also our ability to work as an group and to think creative as an group.
It was fun in the end because our simple model had won, but I did not have the feeling that I learned something though. Ive done million of these kind of group exercises in previous courses to improve on; working in a group, communication skills, group creativity, brainstorm sessions, social skills etc.
nothing new here.
We formed a group during the workshop and exchanged details. We already had a little brainstrom session on the first assignment and picked picasso to work on for our essay.
Unfortuantley our group is rather large.. Six people !! At the moment things seem to be fine and everyone is doing their part lets hope it stays that way.
What happened ?
During the lecture we had to model four elements and combine them with one out of two emotions. After we finished the four elements we had to choose one of the elements we made and destroy the rest.
The final element we had chosen was water. I had modelled a "bucket" that symbolized water and within the bucket i had put some water from my water bottle that I had for lunch. The idea behind this was that the blue modelling clay "bucket" symbolized water but it also WAS water.
Then we had to bring our models to the front and eventually we had to tell something about what we had made and I told everyone that the bucket not only symbolizes water but it also is water and water is one of the most vital things us humans needs and it can bring joy and happiness as well (swimming, surfing etc) In other words a very versatile liquid substance.
There were some other models made who looked obviously far better then our "bucket", but once we had to vote it seemed a lot of the other models got a lot of votes, ours got voted for as last and we actually won !! That was hilarious! Obviously I had modelled this bucket with water more for comical effect but the idea behind it was not too bad either.
Thoughts, attitudes
One of the girls in another group shouted that it was not fair that we had won because theirs was far better modelled. I was surprised she showed such a heavy reaction to a simple task like this she seemed annoyed that her model got destroyed. Even so annoyed that after the lecture she tipped our "bucket" over so that the water spilled over the table.
I mean common!
It seemed that this task was aimed at our creativity but also our ability to work as an group and to think creative as an group.
It was fun in the end because our simple model had won, but I did not have the feeling that I learned something though. Ive done million of these kind of group exercises in previous courses to improve on; working in a group, communication skills, group creativity, brainstorm sessions, social skills etc.
nothing new here.
We formed a group during the workshop and exchanged details. We already had a little brainstrom session on the first assignment and picked picasso to work on for our essay.
Unfortuantley our group is rather large.. Six people !! At the moment things seem to be fine and everyone is doing their part lets hope it stays that way.
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